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Do you know how to clean your eyeglasses correctly? Take a look a few tips that will keep your specs cleaner. Are your eyeglasses streaky

Subtle changes in your eyes may be the first signs of a health problem. Have you ever wondered why your eye care provider spends so

Prematurity can cause a range of vision problems. Fortunately, optometrists offer a range of treatments and devices that can improve your child’s ability to see.

Macular degeneration represents one of the most significant causes of vision loss in older adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an

Have you lost your sunglasses again? Failing to wear the glasses consistently may lead to several eye conditions. What Happens When You Don’t Wear Sunglasses?

Do you follow care recommendations for your contact lenses? If not, you may putting your vision at risk. Proper Contact Lens Care Keeps Your Lenses

Have you ever wondered why some people become nearsighted? Lack of time in the sun may be to blame. Does Outside Play Improve Children’s Eyesight?

Do your cosmetics make your eyes water and burn? Try these makeup tips for sensitive eyes. Do your eyes itch, burn and turn red when

Worried that your child may be uncooperative during his or her first visit to the optometrist? These tips will help make the visit a positive

For many adults, reading and writing come so naturally that they seem almost effortless. However, reading and writing are actually complicated skills that take significant

A wandering eye is a type of eye condition known as strabismus or tropia, and it may be caused by damage to the retina or

Of our five senses, humans rely on vision most strongly. Our everyday experience of the world is colored by our ability to see, our memory