Emergency Eye Care

Our Doctors of Optometry offer emergency consults (either in person, or virtual/telemedicine) for a variety of urgent ocular conditions. We strongly encourage you to contact us immediately if you have experienced any of the following circumstances or symptoms:

  • Ocular trauma or foreign bodies in your eyes
  • Chemical exposure to your eyes
  • Sudden full or partial loss of vision in one or both eyes
  • Sudden onset of flashes or floaters
  • Persistent discharge, burning or itching
  • Sudden and severe eye pain


At Hollyburn Eye Clinic, we are ready to help you with your eye emergency. You can reach us at (604) 984-2020.

Should you experience any ocular emergency that requires immediate attention after our business hours, we ask that you go to the Emergency Room at either Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) or St. Paul’s Hospital, where they have ophthalmologists on call.

Request an Appointment

We can accommodate your busy schedule and we do direct billing!

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Let us know how we can help.